“Unsettling: A self-examination for non-Indigenous people working in Indigenous contexts” is a series of three events that will take place at the Concordia Conference Centre between February and September 2019. Participants will include Concordia alumni, students, staff, and faculty from various disciplines, as well as professionals who are currently engaged with Indigenous groups and communities.
The series will be focused on experiential learning. Each event will commence with Indigenous speakers sharing their perspectives and narratives, along with some non Indigenous speakers. Participants will then be invited to co-create small, facilitated action learning groups to support the process of self-examination in relation to the topic. These small learning groups will initially be facilitated by volunteer facilitators and then be invited to remain connected over the course of nine months, so participants can support one another to take concrete actions in ‘unsettling’ their professional practices. In the second and third events, learning groups will reconvene, reflect, and share their progress and learning. This follow up is crucial for building the momentum and support that is necessary for sustained change.