John Molson’s Sustainable Business Group is a well-organized graduate student organization at Concordia University’s John Molson School of Business (JMSB). Essentially, JMSB graduate students are developing skills which will likely one day put them in a position of power; over business decisions, over the planet, and over people.
Our goal is to ensure JMSB graduates keep the triple-bottom line in mind (people, planet, and profit), when they apply these skills. With this goal in mind, we are organizing the Sustainable Business Plan competition. The competition focuses on pitching the business plan which could have optimal positive impact across society, economy and environment.This year, we are planning to take the competition to new height by collaborating with McGill and inviting teams from HEC. This will be the first kind of event to be held at JMSB where three reputed B-schools of Montreal will compete for the best sustainable business ideas.






Himanshi Garg

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