The Concordia SAE Supermileage Racing team is a student-run organization with the goal of building a fuel-efficient vehicle. In 2012, thanks to SAF funding, The Concordia SAE Supermileage team participated in the SAE Supermileage Collegiate Design Competition hosted by Eaton Corporation held in Marshall, Michigan.
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In the spring of 2011, the Concordia Greenhouse Project came together and created the City Farm School. In its inaugural year, the school consisted of a 5 day training school followed with optional internship placement either at the university or in the community. Since then, the City Farm School has grown to offer 8 month … Read more
Thanks to SAF funding, the Concordia Student Union (CSU) organizes a talk by environmental crusader and Nobel Peace prize winner, Waangari Maathai.
Now known as Business Beyond Tomorrow Conference, this project is an annual event hosted by the John Molson Sustainable Business Group (JSG) that brings together the Montreal student community, corporate leaders, and sustainable leaders to discuss social, economic and ecological sustainability.
Among SAF’s first significant achievements was supporting the R4 campus-wide compost program. The project was a first in Quebec, and became a model emulated in universities across the province.
Concordia students vote. The Sustainability Action Fund is born.
The 1% Campaign takes place at the Less Talk, More Action Youth Summit. At this event, Dr. David Suzuki and former United States Vice-President Mr. Al Gore encouraged a crowd of over 2000 Concordia students to vote ‘yes’ on a referendum question to transform Concordia into one of the most sustainable campuses in Canada.
SAF prepares & hosts a variety of events and activities in celebration of its 10th year of existence.
SAF funds The Hive Cafe Solidarity Co-Operative, a student-run cafe, whose main mission is to fill the food-void at Loyola campus and Downtown campus by providing inexpensive, healthy, locally-sourced and organic food to students.
The MontreALE Brewer’s Cooperative, now known as Les Brasseurs Illuminés, is funded. The purpose of this project is to provide a source of sustainable high quality locally produced beer, while educating Concordia students in all aspects of its production and consumption.