In November of 2022 the Sustainability Action Fund campaigned to increase the Undergraduate fee levy from $0.25 to $0.50 per credit. The membership voted in favour for this increase which now allows SAF to run with an almost doubled budget. Thus broadening the funding opportunities for students dealing with Sustainability projects at Concordia University in … Read more
Archives: Timeline Stories
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For the 15 Year Anniversary, SAF gives back to their community for 15 years of support. The SAF offered 5 microgrants of $1500 to students taking on Community initiatives outside of the Concordia community. This was done in an effort to support students doing community work that are otherwise ineligible for SAF funding.
The CSU joins the partnership between Concordia University and the SAF to fund student, staff and/or faculty projects working towards the goals and targets outlined in the Sustainability Action Plan, bringing the total funds available to $130,000 for Sustainability Action Plan related projects!
A matching funding partnership was created with Concordia University’s Office of Sustainability to fund student, staff and/or faculty projects that work towards goals and targets outlined by the university’s Sustainability Action Plan.
The Gina Cody School of Engineering and Computer Science commits to contributing funds to the Sustainability Research Awards and becomes a partner along with the Faculty of Arts and Science, the Faculty of Fine Arts and the SAF.
The SAF worked alongside many other stakeholders to help develop Concordia University’s Sustainability Action Plan. In 2020 the plan was released and includes a long-term vision as well as five-year plans around our five stream topics: Food, Waste, Climate, Research, and Curriculum.
As the 2017-2020 Strategic Directions expire, the SAF team imagined possibilities for the next four years and created new strategic directions for the organization. Four key directions were chosen.
A 2-year partnership between the SAF, the Office of Community Engagement at Concordia University and Batiment 7 in the Pointe-Saint-Charles neighborhood is created to support student leadership in community-based sustainability projects at Bâtiment 7.
The Faculty of Fine Arts commits to contributing to fund the Sustainability Research Awards and becomes a partner.
The Sustainability Research Awards are a scholarship to award students for taking on topics of sustainability-related to Concordia in their school work or research. The Faculty of Arts and Science partners with the SAF to award students $1500 or $800 for their research.