We are creating a blueprint for a centre that will encourage both spiritual reflection and transformative approaches.
Program activities may include: meditation and mindfulness-based practices, integral body-mind-spirit wellness, the spiritual arts, eco-literacy and environmental ethics, spirituality and business ethics in the workplace, inter-religious dialogue and wisdom inquiry, and compassionate engagement.
Students, staff, and faculty will have a wide range of activities in which to explore personal meaning and find authentic spiritual identity. As a vibrant centre of integral human development, the transformed Loyola Chapel will play a key role in encouraging a new era of global spirituality. Seeking to harness the diversity and creativity found at Concordia, the overriding goal is to inspire a new spiritual imagination to confront the extraordinary challenges of our present age.
Years funded: 2009-10
Amount allocated: $15,600.00
Project leader: Devin Wells
E-mail: N/A