Concordia Underground Tours is being rebooted with the support of SEIZE and QPIRG to provide an alternative, community-based tour to help newcomers find their place in the Concordia community. Many new students spend their first year or two simply trying to find things around campus; ways to get involved, cheap food and coffee, community events, etc. By taking one of our tours these students are shown all these things in the first month they’re at Concordia. We aim to empower individuals with the knowledge they need to engage in the community and to personally benefit from the wide array of resources that student-run initiatives have made available on and around campus. One of the crucial benefits is helping students find their place in the wider radical community at Concordia. If folks have a particular idea of what they are already interested in, then the tour guides who have been around Concordia for some time can help them get involved in whatever interests them.

The tours are being run as a pilot program for the fall semester, as an external add-on and outside of the regular budget of the fee-levy groups. Should they be deemed successful, proposals will be brought to the respective finance committees of the relevant fee-levies to fold them into their regular operating budgets.






Marcus Peters