SUKO Magazine, founded in 2021, is an artist collective and an annually published arts and culture magazine dedicated to uplifting the voices of those left out of narratives in art history. Based in  Tio’Tia’ke (Montreal), SUKO includes a variety of multimedia artwork, painting, drawing, photography, essays, articles and poetry. The publication team is made up of artists whose work ranges from institutional oppression to social intervention, prompting SUKO to commit to the creation of more inclusive community-oriented platforms for like-minded artists.

SUKO is currently in the planning stages of Volume #2. The theme is “power” and will feature racialized/marginalized students from across Turtle Island (Canada) and Europe who are actively dismantling the systems of oppression. Impacts of this issue include a safe space to challenge power systems, paying artists accurately and fairly, “by artists for artists approach” which in turn will demystify and create a non-hierarchical approach to magazine production

The necessity of this type of platform stems from the neglect of addressing the systematic forms of oppression experienced by marginalized and racialized creatives. Western ideologies are centralized as the dominant narrative within art spaces which have upheld and developed oppressive structures. Therefore those who do not fit the mainstream archetype are continuously excluded. Today, there continues to be a lack of acknowledgment of the mass erasure of deeply rooted voices. As artists, the SUKO members are invested in addressing these issues within the art world and advocating for compensation, agency and empowerment in the forging of future art spaces.






Kioni Sasaki-Picou